With back to school season around the corner for many, and it being just past the halfway mark of 2019, now is the perfect time to focus on getting back on track with goals and getting back into a routine. Summer fun and vacations may still be in full swing for now, but it will be time to get back in the swing of things before we know it!
Every year I set goals for myself, and I always like to circle back to those goals at the halfway point of the year since life starts to get in the way and my routine gets off track. My two biggest struggles are always food and fitness – by now my attempt at healthy eating starts to slack and trips to the gym becomes less.
So it’s time to focus and recharge. That’s easier said than done, and especially easier at the beginning of the year when we all have a fresh new year and new start. But mid-year? That’s a tough one! It may just take a little extra effort, but it’s possible!
I’m ready to reset and refocus, so I’ve rounded up some tips for getting back into a routine that have helped me many times. If you’re looking to get back into the swing of things, then these tips may help you too!
Put Everything on Your Calendar
If you pre-schedule the time to do something, there’s less of a chance you won’t have time to get it done! When I’m trying to get back into a routine, I put everything on my calendar. This makes it harder to procrastinate or miss anything important and is great for accountability purposes. It allows me to see the ‘big picture’ and plan for the best way to make it all happen.

Allow Flexibility in Your Schedule
Don’t have time for your hour workout at the gym? Cut it short, but still go! We’ve all been there – one missed workout leads to another.. then another, and another…. Luckily there’s an easy solution to that, and it’s all about adjusting your time and still making it a priority. In a perfect world, everything would go exactly as planned, but we all know that’s never the case, so scheduling extra time to allow for the unknown is also important!
Plan Ahead
Prepping a head will make your day much easier. Something as simple as planning out your clothes the night before, and prepping your meals can save so much time and help you stick to your goals. Since going to the gym is one of the hardest things to consistently keep in my routine, I like to pack ahead that way I have no excuses! This adidas backpack is my favorite – it’s a great size for taking to the gym and fits everything I need! I pack everything the night before and leave it by the door, that way I can’t blame “being late” on missing a workout since everything is ready to grab and go! You can do this for food too. Pack your lunch the night before and have it ready in your lunch bag to grab and go in the morning – no excuses for not sticking to your routine of eating healthy!
Schedule Your Day
Create a timeline for everything, from the time you need to wake up and get ready, to the time you need cook dinner and get in bed! Having a set schedule written down will enable you to stay on track until new changes become part of your normal routine again. Creating a schedule will improve your time management skills and make it feel possible to juggle it all!
Get Organized
Being organized and ready is key for getting into and sticking to a routine. When it comes to getting organized, the most important thing is making sure everything has a purpose to make things easier in the future.
Thank you adidas for sponsoring this post.
Margaret says
My son isn’t in school yet, but it always seems that after the summer break, things always get very busy. Being organized and on top of things is so important! Great tips about writing down a schedule and planning ahead. I hate having to do things last minute!
Whitney says
I am striving to do this, my kids are 2.5 and 3 months so I’m still up at night and we have different schedules every day. It’s hard to get a routine down and I’m too tired to get up early. I will try these ideas, thanks for the tips!
ringtonesdump.com says
The good news? The soreness won’t last forever. Once you get back into a routine, you will find yourself being able to workout without feeling the burn afterwards.