If there’s one thing I loathe more than anything, it’s cleaning. Now I’m not talking about an easy pickup here and there, I’m talking about the dirty stuff: dusting, mopping, scrubbing, etc. I’m not a fan, but really, is anyone!? I think not! Regardless, it has to be done (insert frown face) so you might as well do it as quick and easily as you can, right? I may or may not have Googled “how to clean your house fast” to find ways to cheat the cleaning system. I found a few helpful tips along the way that I figured I’d pass along incase any of you are looking for a quick spring cleaning tips too, without spending the time on a deep clean.
Upholstery: if you’re short on time and can’t put upholstered items such as curtains in the wash, but still need to give them a refresh, steaming is always a great option. You can pass over the fabric quickly and the steam will help eliminate odors. You can also use a mini hand vac for upholstered items like couch pillows and cushions that may have collected a little dirt over time.
Hard Floors: For tile and wood floors, it may be worth it to invest in a steam mop to save on time. They work much quicker than a traditional mop and still get the job done.
Carpets and Rugs: Focus on your high traffic areas the most. This is usually areas like the living room and bedroom that get a lot of foot traffic and need to be vacuumed more often. If you can get into a routine of vacuuming these areas often, you may be able to get away with a single pass of the vacuum each time you do it.
Furniture: Visible dust buildup on a variety of surfaces can easily be cleaned, conditioned and protected by a quick shake, spray onto a cloth, and wipe using Pledge® Lemon Clean Furniture Spray. This is especially beneficial during the spring since it features Allergen Trappers® to remove dust and up to 90% of allergens found in dust. After removing dust, the Pledge® Lemon Clean Furniture Spray will leave behind a fresh lemon scent, which will give your home an instant refresher.
Our master bedroom was in desperate need of a dusting and I think it’s safe to say these before photos prove it.
I’m not sure why I put this off, but I do.
In all honesty, I make the task seem harder in my mind than what it actually is.
Thankfully it doesn’t get much easier than a three-step shake, spray, and wipe with Pledge® Lemon Clean Furniture Spray and it can easily be found in the home cleaning section at Walmart. I may just start doing this more often! Watch the video below to see for yourself how quick this is.
Thank you SC Johnson for sponsoring this post. All thoughts are my own!
Holly Cuperus says
I hate cleaning too, but the part I like the least is that it gets dirty again! I have a toddler so my house is one constant mess.
Leslie Soto says
I loathe cleaning, too but getting a Swiffer was the best thing i’ve done in a while. Now that we have a dog in the house the floors are a mess 99% of the time but being able to Swiffer them once a day is a lifesaver. I despise dusting because it’s such a task to move all the picture frames, etc then set them back up but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.
Kira Burr says
Now I’m motivated to go clean! Thanks for the tips!
linda spiker says
Good tips. And I know this sounds weird but dusting and polishing furniture so rewarding!
Kiersten says
I hate cleaning too but I am the messiest person in a family of neat freaks so I have to keep things clean. I also have six cats and three dogs so fur gets everywhere. I love Swiffer Wet Jet. It’s quick and all you have to change is pad on the bottom when you want to mop. I also take the couch pillows and throw them in the dryer on “fluff” for twenty minutes to get the cat hair off of them.
Kiersten @ Autumn Country Girl
Amanda | Maple Alps says
I love spring cleaning. Something about it energizes and refreshes me! Thanks for these quick tips!
Ashley says
These are great tips!! I live our steam mop for the hardwood and tiled floors. I’ve also been know to use the steamer for my curtains!
Jenn says
Deep cleaning is the worst! I invested in a Shark a few years ago and it was the smartest thing I ever did. I can use that thing for just about anything. Steaming the floors is so the way to go!
Deynece says
i love spring cleaning! A clean house is a happy house!
Lezley says
Pledge works so eel and it smells amazing! Cute lamp!
Bree Hogan says
Great tips. I don’t like cleaning but I love the feeling of a clutter-free home. That’s the motivator!
Aileen @ Aileen Cooks Blog says
Thank you for the tips! I have been in a big spring cleaning mood lately and even put my kids to work spring cleaning our kitchen last week. 🙂
Bella B (xoxoBella) says
I love the smell of Lemon Pledge! I have been trying to tackle some deep cleaning in my closets. Such a struggle not having much space!
Alison says
I kinda love cleaning if I’m in the right groove and I’ve got time to do it – there’s always so much else to do though! But who doesn’t love a clean house?!
The Southern Stylista says
I have never, ever thought about steaming furniture before, but that’s actually a great idea!
I’m going to try it with my mini steamer in just a few minutes 🙂
xoxo, SS
The Southern Stylista