My family’s Thanksgiving menu :
Fried Turkey
Baked Ham
File’ Gumbo
Stuffed Mirliton
Crawfish Pie
Shrimp Pie
Sweet Potato Casserole
Green Bean Casserole
Corn Bread Casserole
Oyster Dressing
Corn Bread Dressing
Corn Grits
Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Pecan Pie
Apple Pie
So tell me. How many any of these dishes just sound weird to you? What are some of the unique dishes on your family’s menu?
With all of this food talk, I’m getting hungry! Have a happy Thanksgiving y’all! Enjoy your time with family and friends and try not too eat too much, or do, the choice is yours! I pick option two.
I’m in Louisiana, so if you’re not following me on Instagram, you’re going to miss the southern food and fun party!
Cassie Tennyson says
I'm from North Mississippi and I followed most of your menu, but I'm curious about the Stuffed Mirliton! I'll have to look that up! Everything else sounds delicious! Happy Thanksgiving!
Helene in Between says
we always have gumbo too, and some shrimp casserole! and it is so good!
Laura Beth says
What a fun post. I can tell you are from The South, there are so many things that never touch our table on your list 😉 — A staple for any of my family holiday gatherings is Lefse!! But I'm thinking baked Mac & Cheese needs to be on our list!!
Jess says
There's only two on that list I hadnt heard of. We do a lot of southern dishes in my family but we've scaled down this year. Just four of us. Happy a great week!
Hill says
My family's Louisiana roots are showing because our table looks almost identical to yours. Every year my dad makes a stuffed mirliton casserole that's delicious; because we always have it I didn't realize it was a regional dish until a couple of years ago. My mom always makes gumbo the next night for when we don't think we can eat anymore leftovers
Holly Romero says
Our menus are almost identical. We don't do oysters because I'm allergic to them.
Anna says
This sounds close to our menu's even the turkey is home grown.
Veronica Lee says
I haven't heard of most of them as I don't live in the US and we don't have Thanksgiving here on our side of the pond.
Mish L. says
For my family, we usually eat seafood for thanksgiving OR pig instead of turkey.
Terri. says
We have a roasted turkey and a baked ham, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, squash, mashed potatoes, sausage and mushroom stuffing, broccoli and cheese, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs, an assortment of pickles and olives, rolls and lots of different pies, cakes cookies and fruits for dessert.
Anna says
i think all turkey tastes the same. i would be just as content with pizza or tacos.
Lisa C says
How many people y'all feeding to have that much food? I'm going to come to your house next year. We just do the basic turkey and potatoes deal. But we do have succotash.
Anna says
we have the traditional meal but i would prefer ham or steak
Eric Saka says
Nice article. Thanks