If I had to pick my favorite accessory it would be a handbag. If my bank account would allow it, I’d buy a new designer bag every week. But since this is real life we’re talking, that doesn’t happen. Unless of course an amazing sale is going on, and then an exception is considered. If you haven’t heard, Kate Spade is giving an extra 25% off all sale items. Naturally, when I got the email I had to stalk the site right away. There’s some good stuff in there and with the extra 25% off, you can score yourself a legit bag for under $200! Not bad if you ask me, so I’ve put together a few of my favorites that I found and even did the math for you. You’re welcome!
1. Cedar Street Maise. Regularly $298, on sale for $208, and with the discount the final price is $156.
2. Southport Avenue Jenny. Regularly $428, on sale for $149.25, and with the discount the final price is $111.94
3. Kirk Park Medium Maise. Regularly $348, on sale for $130.50, and with the discount the final price is $97.87
4. Claremont Drive Marcella. Regularly $478, on sale for $239, and with the discount the final price is $179.25
5. Cobble Hill Curtis. Regularly $348, on sale for $130.50, and with the discount the final price is $97.87
To get the extra 25% off, use code MORESALE. I believe it ends on 7/6.
Have you shopped the sale yet? Which one is your favorite?
ps- Kate Spade did not sponsor this post, I just wanted to share the love!
Ashliegh says
Ugh, Kate Spade does it again! I'm completely obsessed with her bags – I would totally go for the Kirk Park Medium Maise bag! TOO CUTE!
Kate at Green Fashionista says
LOVE Kate Spade! However, I'm doing my best to resist the sale 😛
Darianne says
Crying because I have the money but I don't know if it would be smart! x