Today I’m going to recap my 1400 mile move across the country and show y’all the gorgeous views along the way!
Chris & I moved from Louisiana to Connecticut last August so I could attend grad school. We packed up our cars with whatever could fit and the rest was history. The trip was about a 24 hour drive without stopping, so we decided to break it up a bit. We were in separate cars and if you are thinking about taking a loonnngg road trip alone, don’t do it! Anyway, we left early our first day and drove about 9 hours to my cousin’s house near Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Since we had a long roadtrip ahead of us, we decided to make the best out of it and turn it into a mini vacay! After Gatlinburg, we got back on the road and drove until we couldn’t anymore. We ended up stopping for the night somewhere in Maryland. The next morning, it was back to the road to finish the last piece of the trip to our new home!
This is my tiny car. Not ideal for packing your life. I could barely fit all my clothes in that trunk!Can’t leave Louisiana without taking a piece of it with you! I’m pretty sure we bought enough jambalaya, cajun spices, and red beans to feed an entire community. The people at the grocery must have though we were crazy!
This was in Gatlinburg, TN
We took the ski lift and got to see some pretty views of the Smoky Mountains
..Insert awkward pda moment..
This was back on the road. I think Virgina? I was so amazed by the views during the drive. Who gets excited over a hill or mountain? This girl. If you are from Louisiana, or any other flat place of the south, I’m sure you understand!
This was by far the best surprise of the trip! When we got into New York, we decided to take an alternate route to bypass tolls and we ended up in Bear Mountain State Park. It was unexpected and before we knew it, we were driving up a mountain on narrow curvy roads. I’m pretty sure I pissed off all the cars behind me from refusing to go over 20 mph. My bad. But it was beautiful and so worth it!
and Hailey was so good & slept the entire time!
kailyn says
Absolutely love the views!!! So gorgeous!!
Stephanie says
You have such a cute blog! 🙂
Miss MP says
I moved from Maryland to Texas two years ago. I did the same thing, just packed up what I could fit in my car and went. I loved driving through Tennessee, the mountains were beautiful.