Every few months I get the itch for a new handbag. My favorite designer bags as of late are Michael Kors and Tory Burch. The handbag on my current wish list is the Tory Burch Robinson Tote. It’s classy, simple, and will never go out of style. There’s a reason why it’s the bag of choice for many fashion loving women! Given that these are two of my favorite designers, I did a Michael Kors vs Tory Burch bag comparison to see what was out here…
Kate Spade Handbags Under $200
If I had to pick my favorite accessory it would be a handbag. If my bank account would allow it, I’d buy a new designer bag every week. But since this is real life we’re talking, that doesn’t happen. Unless…
Six Favorite Things
It’s Five on Friday, but I have six things. I hope I’m not in trouble. It’s also one day closer to me being in Louisiana, and I would say I’m more than okay with that. Just one weekend snow storm…
Louis Vuitton vs Michael Kors
A few handbags, watches, and bracelets later and it’s no secret that I may have a little obsession with Michael Kors, Louis Vuitton, and pretty much any other designer out there. Okay, maybe it’s safe to say I may have…